Feature of the month: Medinizer

Medinizer is suitable for people, who want to have all their medicine for one week in one bag 

Medinizer is one of our smaller collections, and is therefore only available in the classic blue, but that does not change the fact that it is a highquality product. Furthermore, it is widely used by several nursing homes and nurses in homecare! 

A Medinizer weekset includes seven single pill boxes, one for each day of the week. Each pill box is divided into four compartments, where each is labelled with the four times of day: morning, noonevening and night. Each compartment has a measure of 2.9 cm x 3.5 cm, providing enough space for a greater amount of pills.  

The seven pill boxes are stored in a simple and dark blue nylon bag, which can be opened and closed through a Velcrfastening. With measures of 16.7 cm x 15.5 cm x 6 cm, Medinizer makes the storage of your pills easy and practical. Medinizer is well suited for blind people, because the boxes are printed with Braille, which makes it possible for them to keep track of how many pills they already have taken.  

Moreover, Medinizer is well-suitable for Alzheimers patients, because it provides a good overview of the medicine that has to be taken during a day. Furthermore, the nylon bag is easy to open and close for old people, being the largest part of Alzheimers patients. Medinizer makes it easier for both patients and relatives to organise medicine in daily life.  

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